Same poster?
Stevie is a Stalker
Messages of Hope
Pat Yourself on the Back



44923.1. 600,000 ?
by happypower53, 10/16/06 17:32 ET
Re: wonder if this estimate came close by iminlove, 10/16/06
Heres the numbers...20,000 pets rescued, less than 3,000 reunions (HSUS). There were 126,500 pets in New Orleans in the 2000 US census. Those are the numbers.

41657.1. Stolen Pets
by LeaveUsAlone, 6/15/06 13:35 ET
Re: Helpers on this board by KitziKatz, 6/15/06
And shamefully they had only reunited less than 2000 of the 20,000 (HSUS Number) of the pets they removed form our area. They forgot to do their paperwork, and now they aren't invited back. I think that explains everything.


Heck, you decide
